Ensuring that no baby is born with HIV is an essential step towards achieving an AIDS-free generation.

MJAP employs the WHO 4- pronged eMTCT approach

• Primary prevention of HIV among women of reproductive age within services related to reproductive health such as antenatal care, postpartum/natal care, and other health and HIV service delivery points, including working with community structures.

• Providing appropriate counseling and support to women living with HIV to enable them to make an informed decision about their future reproductive life, with special attention to preventing unintended pregnancies.

• For pregnant women living with HIV, ensure HIV testing and access to the antiretroviral drugs that will help mothers’ health and prevent infection being passed on to their babies during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding

• Better integration of HIV care, treatment, and support for women found to be positive and their families

In addition to the Option B+ approach, MJAP works with partners to address the challenges that exist in the eMTCT cascade including: unmet family planning needs, late presentation of pregnant mothers, poor retention after ART initiation, low coverage of infant HIV testing and follow-up at mother-baby care points (MBCP), poor male partner/community involvement; ineffective linkages for ongoing care; specific challenges for AGYW and a lack of eMTCT at private facilities. A lack of timely, quality data continues to undermine client care, programmatic monitoring and evidence-informed action.
